Happy new year everyone! We hope you had fun joining in our 2019 festive mountain book quiz. If you're still puzzling over a couple of tricky clues here are the answers.
SA (JT) = Savage Arena (Joe Tasker)
SS (PB) = Sacred Summits (Peter Boardman)
SBMF (GM) = Space Below My Feet (Gwen Moffat)
TAORD (WEB) = The Ascent of Rum Doodle (W.E. Bowman)
MAL (EL) = Mountaincraft and Leadership (Eric Langmuir)
TAOE (JH) = The Ascent of Hunt (John Hunt)
MOTM (RM) = Mountains of the Mind (Robert McFarlane)
TVOTF (FSS) = The Valley of the Flowers (Frank S Smythe)
TTV (JS) = Touching the Void (Joe Simpson)
COTU (LT) = Conquistadors of the Useless (Lionel Terray)
TWS (HH) = The White Spider (Heinrich Harrer)
ICTC (CB) = I Chose to Climb (Chris Bonington)
ITA (JK) = Into Thin Air (John Krakauer)
THY (JB) = The Hard Years (Joe Brown)
SATA (EW) = Scrambles Amongst the Alps (Edward Whymper)
TCH (RM) = The Crysal Horizon (Rheinhold Messner)
TLM (NS) = The Living Mountain (Nan Shephard)
NPP (HB) = Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage (Herman Buhl)
AST (SV) = A Slender Thread (Stephen Venables)
RCITELD (OGJ) = Rock Climbing in the English Lake District (Owen Glynne Jones)