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Arrangements for closure over the festive period 2020

December 2020

This year the Mountain Heritage Trust will be closed to enquiries from Thursday 17th December 2020 to Tuesday 5th January 2021. We will still be making regular checks on the collections in our care.

Thank you to all our readers and supporters over the past year. Your interest and donations are greatly appreciated - we hope to share even more great stories and historic collections with you in 2021.

We have decided to extend our fundraising campaign for one further month until the end of January 2021, to give us time to complete our 20th anniversary collections sharing (we were a little delayed in starting due to a global pandemic...) and hopefully to get us a bit closer to our target.

If you haven't donated already and would like to, you can donate here via our JustGiving page.

Wishing everyone the very best for the remainder of 2020 and into the new year.

Photo: Pete Boardman Collection, Mountain Heritage Trust

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