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Mountain Heritage Trust secures further National Lottery Funds

As part of it’s on-going development, the Mountain Heritage Trust is pleased to announce it has secured almost £50,000 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The project is designed to examine the Trust's current position and consider its role for the future, including how it can raise awareness of this nationally important collection and make it accessible to a wider range of people.

Mountain Heritage Trust was founded in 2000 to record and preserve the UK’s rich heritage in climbing, mountaineering and mountain culture.  The Trust’s key role is to ensure that Britain’s unique and fascinating mountaineering artefacts, history and records are conserved, documented and, most importantly, communicated to as wide an audience as possible.

With support from The National Lottery the project will provide the Trust with a comprehensive development strategy, and give its Trustees and staff the skills and confidence to deliver it. The Trust will also invest in a Collections Management System that befits the nationally-significant heritage in its care.

Terry Tasker, Chair of the Trustees said, “mountaineering and climbing heritage is exceptionally varied. In our archive Chris Bonington's handwritten expedition diaries and Mabel Barker's boots share shelves with the photographic archive of Johnnie Lees, and other historic forerunners. The question we now face is how we can make all this accessible for the wider public, and investment from NLHF in this small trust will allow us to engage more people with this exciting heritage in the year before climbing debuts at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.”

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